Thymio is an open source programmable robot developed at EPFL. It is ideal for accompanying students and teachers in the era of digital education. With the aim of providing learning tools
efficient and easy to use, the Mobsya association (which industrialises and markets Thymio) called on the Icare Institute to develop the iPad version of their programming software. Until now, programming interfaces for Thymio were only available on PC, Mac and Linux. The application developed allows the user to connect to the robot and then to launch the programming interfaces that make it possible to control the robot. In this project, the Icare Institute was able to make use of its technical skills, in particular to meet the challenges linked to connectivity. But also its know-how in the design and adaptation of graphic interfaces for use on mobile devices. The tests carried out during the project in various primary classes in the Valais enabled the proposed choices to be validated in practice. The application will be officially launched in the first half of 2020 and should equip many users throughout the world.