The whole net+ Mobile TV experience on Apple TV

The collaboration between Netplus and the Icare Institute started already in 2016. Our research institute developed content recommendation algorithms based on user profiles. This functionality was subsequently further improved, enabling to provide its customers with more detailed advice based on metadata.
The net+ TV Mobile application has been continuously improved. Indeed, although the control of the box and the management of the TV guide were already working with the first version of the application, it was not yet possible to view the 100 or so channels offered by net+ on this type of media in mobile use. Streaming has been made available and the video player has been improved both in terms of performance and stability.
The iOS application has been ported to Apple TV with the aim of offering subscribers the same content and experience on this new medium. The developments made by Icare were transferred and completely taken over by the net+ development team, a project that once again demonstrates the success of our institute’s technology transfer activities towards industry.
The collaboration between net+ and the Icare Institute continued with the development of the Netplus TV application on a new device: the Apple TV. This means that net+ subscribers can access their clear and encrypted content anywhere in Switzerland and directly from their Apple TV.